Our Values
Transformed Lives
The Holy Spirit uses the Gospel message to change lives. That Gospel is at the core of everything we are and do. We will tirelessly point people to Jesus as the only way to truly live.
biblical Truth
As the inspired Word of God, the Bible is our standard and authority for direction in life. It is a living catalyst, used by the Holy Spirit, for transformation in individual lives and in the church. We will share the whole teaching of Scripture in clear, relevant and challenging ways.
People matter
Since God is intimately concerned about every lost person, we will do anything short of sin to reach people who do not know Christ. Numbers matter because numbers represent people who matter to God. To reach people no one is reaching, we must do things no one is doing.
LIfe together
Life change happens best in small groups. We strive to build authentic community groups who circle up regularly to genuinely accept, deeply love and creatively serve. These small groups function as an extended family to group members.
intergenerational influence
Young people are not the future church, they are the church now. We will strive for an intentional intergenerational focus in all we do, and we will sacrificially give our lives to hand off a healthy church and pass on a godly legacy for generations to come.
sacrificial service
The church must function as the hands and feet of Christ in our world today. We will graciously serve everyone we meet, everywhere we go. Church is not a spectator sport...we are all spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers.
faithful prayer
Prayer is foundational to the success of our mission. We will persistently seek God's direction, and trust in the advocating power of the Holy Spirit to intercede for us in accordance with God's will.
Commited investment
It is more blessed to give than to receive. We will function as a community of generous givers, where every member consistently invests their time, talents and treasures into the ministry of the church, to the glory of God.
Inspriring worship
God is good, and gathering regularly to celebrate His goodness, grows our faith. We will creatively strive to make our gatherings engaging and compelling in ways that will call all who participate to live fully for God, worshiping Him in every aspect of life.
extraordinary excellence
Being created and pursued by a God who gave His very best, we will be guided by excellence in all that we do to navigate others to God. Excellence honors God, inspires others and is best achieved through simplicity, rather than complexity. We will always bring our best to the few things we strive to do well.
Got questions?
Have a question about what we value at Compass Church? Get in touch with a person on our leader team directly by clicking the button below.